Friday 20 April 2012

The Happy Having a Baby Shoes

Back at the end of last millennium I was 24, I was newly and happily single and in April I had a baby. It honestly seems like it was the dark ages sometimes, I ate anything I wanted I had a couple glasses of wine and on occasion I may have even smoked a little. See what I mean? Dark Ages! *

This was the days before the baby bonus, before paid parental leave was even a pipe dream! I'm not sure if there were push presents as such and there was no one to buy me one anyway, so I bought my own and here they are....

These were my 3rd pair of docs, I'd never seen silver ones but I had previously painted shoes with silver nail polish so I knew they were for me. I called them my
"Happy Having a Baby" shoes and I wore them everywhere, and even though i loved them at first they, just like mothering were stiff and awkward and took awhile to feel right. I wore them to ring in the new year and on walks around a rather seedy neighbourhood on nights my baby couldn't sleep, to work, to the park, everywhere.

Now I wear them on occasion only, a couple of times this week due the Sydney weather being less than stellar, they do get worn a fair bit though by that baby I had bought them in celebration of. In a way I always thought they'd be hers I guess, she walked every mile in those shoes with me, and I love that these boots, these magic silver boots are a part of our shared family history.

They may not be fancy jewels or a handmade quilt but they are very much us.


*I'm not an idiot I know these things especially the smoking were bad for both of us but I was young and invincible and a bit of an idiot.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Sometimes toilets confuse me

I hope that with the title of this post I did not lead you to believe that I am unable to work out the general use of toilets. I am happy to report that I have been toilet trained for approximately 34ish years (I say ish as I thought an early morning call to my mum asking when I stopped wearing nappies was not the greatest way for either of us to start the day)

I write this post in the hope that someone will help me figure out the dual flush on my toilet at home because after almost two years of living here I still cannot for the love of Ford Pills work out which is the half and which is the full flush button. They seem to both flush the same amount of water and run for a similar time to fill the cistern back up. This could however just be due to the landlord-DIY-ness of our rental house... but then again I find toilets out in the world also to be quite confusing... Stay with me.

Here is a rendering of our cistern.. (check out my mad Paint skillz!)

Now at first glance obviously the small button is the half flush because it is smaller and the large is the full because it is larger right? OR the small button is the full because it is a whole circle type of shape & the larger button is the half as it has a bit missing off the end and therefore not ‘whole’... Please note that earlier I stated there is no real discernible difference in the amount of water released by either button.

To further my confusion there are buttons like the following (again with the Paint, at least this time they were circles and easier to 'draw')

Now I have used commodes with both of these buttons at various locales, and through my er ‘research’ I have concluded that the larger button is in fact the smaller flush... I think...

God I really just don’t know, why can’t we just push the button halfway down instead?

Sometimes its the big issues with me and then other times... there is toilet cistern confusion..

Am I the only one that becomes confused about this stuff?