Thursday 1 September 2011

Things I love Thursday...

I started this post with a list of things that I love today (including in the number 1 spot lists!) and then I realised that tomorrow will be the last day I get to work with my best and oldest friend.

So the rest of this blog for today will be things I love about Ren.

She makes me feel brave.

I have known her since primary school, even though I am two years older we met at vacation care and she listened to me tell her the most drawn out retelling of a film in the history of recaps! It was called The Crawling Hand I don’t think I ever told her how it ended either... It was really bad b&w 60’s schlock horror. We tie dyed shirts that week too and years later when we were in our late teens and hanging out again (partying with all these uni people but not actually going to uni) the two things I most remember about her were her waist length hair and tie dyed slips she had a billion of them.

Then she moved to Sydney and later to SE Asia and we lost contact. When she returned I had a toddler TC and was working part time, we spent a summer sitting on her mum’s balcony having pots of tea and making beaded jewellery and watching Pixar films at her parents place. Heading to the beach in her kombi for fish and chips and swimming in the ocean.

It was that summer she introduced me to MrPt a mate of hers from her time in Sydney who was up on holidays and then with the following very drunken discussion in the ladies at the local pub sealed the deal...

Ren: Hey what do you reckon about MrPt? (Real name used obviously as he was not yet MrPt)

Pt: Hmmm yeah alright I’ll have a turn...

Both of us: Bwahahahahahahahaha!

It is almost 10 years ago and I can never ever let her know how much love she has brought into my world. Then she went to Europe and met her man, they moved back and stayed with us we fell in love with M as much as she had. And they both love TC like blood.

She went away on her honeymoon and started here at my work as a temp. That was several years ago everyone here loved her just as much as I do.

As she leaves on the weekend to follow M to NZ so he can live his dream I will miss small things about her. Like all day msn chats about co-workers not wearing pants and others who wear unitards and others who just cannot get the most basic things about their jobs.

I will miss our discussions of walking to work that invariably turn into a decision on which of us is driving in. Waiting for coffees at the cafe downstairs and walking out to her desk to see what’s for lunch. Waiting for Oscar or Emmy day and msn-ing pics and snark to each other all day and not really working. Reading recaps of terrible shows and wishing we could have our own site like the Fug Girls.

She and I have excellent taste. Even though I am blonde (sometimes pink) & small in both height and size and she raven haired & tall and buxom. I love shopping with this woman. She is the one that I msg pictures to about shoes I found and are unsure of. We send links of hair styles and dresses and shoes and lounges and God only knows what else to each other and know that in an instant the other’s gut feeling will very often be the right one. And I am so very glad that she has FINALLY embraced denim jeans. I knew and told her they’d look great!

She is funny and a sunscreen/hat nazi. She loves trashy things like True Blood and Rock of Love and Neighbours. We go to Kylie concerts together and Grease Sing-a-Longs, bushwalking in summer and worlds greatest dumplings and play Euchre and Bananagrams and Rummikub granted we can play these online but it’s not really the same (and we cannot play Oma’s rules!).

I know that this is not the end we will still work together and there is Skype and msn and cheap flights to NZ where it will be great to have holidays exploring her new land. And it is so very exciting that she and her husband have the chance to make a go of this new venture.

So thanks Ren for all of the love and glitter and tea and dancing and snark and tears and poolside and the Christmases and hen’s parties and weddings and Blue Mountain weekends that you have brought into my world.

There is no way to tell you in words how grateful I am to know you & call you my friend.


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