Tuesday 19 April 2011

Deep Breath and Leap (in? ..off? ....frog???)

So a first post huh? I guess everyone has to do one of these at some point right?

I’ve never really been a writer type of girl, my best mate a school was, she was a compulsive diarist and wrote poetry songs & long interesting stories... I was always more the killer essay in a 2 hour exam type of person or 3rd speaker in a debate think on my feet do little to no planning. So I’m really not sure how all of this will turn out but here we go. So without any fanfare (or getting all Jerry Maguire mission statement on you folks) here is my blog manifesto? aims? rules? possibly meh I dunno let’s just get to the list yeah?

- Keep the rants within the realms of the sane world

- Have a laugh at myself and more than likely my Partner (MrPt) my daughter (TC) and the idiot cat (yellow)

- One day be brave enough to tell people about it

- Actually keep posting and learn a little more about how this fangled ubernet works.

And the super secret hope for this place? To be able to use this little room of one’s own to consolidate my messy head into a direction that will finally (at the grand old age of 35) tell me what I want to be when I grow up. Then quit my job in office hell and escape!


Finally a massive thanks to Sass at www.moovoodesigns.com seriously I think I started this bloody thing so I could have a page that had my absolute favourite ride in the whole world the chair swing carousel, big cups with moustaches, unicorns and balloons all in a row (you should all go and get her templates they are beautiful just like the girl herself).


  1. I am so damn excited to see this. And mega-jealous of your gorgeous blog! x

  2. thanks gorgeous I can't wait to read moer about your big adventure OS omg! NEXT WEEK!

  3. and there you have it first comment I make and its got a bloody typo - expect more of that kind of brilliance!
