Wednesday 20 April 2011

If I were a blog what kind of blog would I be?

One of the main things (I think) that has always held me back from going forth and blogging is that I don't think that i can decide on the type of blog I would put out there.

I don't want to put too much about my family on here as this is not their blog it's mine and as TC is entering adolescence her next couple of years will be hard enough on her and MrPt is about as quiet and private as you could get I doubt either of them would appreciate being written about and having their 'bizzness' all out there. Plus neither of them know about this yet..

So I could tell stories from my glory days.. hmm perhaps there are a few letter type things I’ve composed in my head over and over- to TC, my parents and ex-parents, the one that broke my heart, the one I should have taken a chance on, the mates I love and no longer see, my brother and of course MrPt but actually maybe not him we’ve worked hard to get to a place where letters aren’t really necessary and it’s really nice I don’t want to fuck it up by writing something here and not going through it with him.

Well then what about craft stuff? I sew and crochet and knit - how amazing right? Yeah perhaps not I am great at starting projects (current tally at 1 x 70's vest lacking button holes, 1 x 40's dress I couldn't find for about 3 years still unlined and unhemmed that may or may not be too tight now, 1 x Kate & Wills embroidery that I would like finished before their wedding so I can give it to a friend hosting a piss elegant soiree, 1/2 a crocheted sock, a 1/2 made tote bag for TC, enough knitted squares to put together to make a throw rug but haven't crocheted them together or backed it with the polar fleece that is still not purchased ahem) so there's the problem of not actually finishing things or half arsed finishing things.

Cooking- nope I cook a meal to get it on the table with a minimum of fuss, mess and time, plus my plates are chipped I would need a new dinner set and that could mean a trip to ikea and I’m not going there again for a long time.

So what about a outfit a day blog? Have you seen them? The ones with the uber cute girl in her quirky back lane or on her cool blue retro bicycle.. I could do that but then I’d have to ask MrPt to take the pics.. and he would laugh at me for sure! Hell I think I would laugh at me too. I LOVE fashion and clothes and colours and if I was honest I like having my photo taken, so long as I get complete editing privileges of course. But also I wear a lot of jeans, t shirt & converse combos.. so I can really commit to that sort of thing every day either I fear I would soon bore you stupid.

So how about a this is what I did today kinda blog? Ooh I went to here for lunch.. Or I went to the markets and saw XYZ and ate these (complete with photos of cool hipster people and gorgeous cafe food) hmm I guess I could but you would all have to put up with Hipstamatic pics from my iphone isn’t that frowned upon? And at some point I’d have to leave the house and go do things & a lot of weekends I get to go to the local Woolies which although at times it is filled with freaks they are not the interesting kind they are the kind you usher your children away from in the food court.

So like I said I’m not too sure of what you guys will get here for a little while a bit of a hodge-podge.. but it will at the very least be all me and really that all I can offer anyway isn’t it?


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