Monday 2 May 2011

the Real World....

Well I think I'm out and I think I love it time will tell...

Last week I went to KSack's book launch and came to face to face with many of the people I talk to on twitter I met other people too but the ones that made the biggest impressions were those I have spoken with for the past 18 months. It was wonderful and exciting and daunting and overwhelming all in a schooner glass.. One I liked so much I kept drinking until I saw a cab and thought to myself "Self, you've had enough of this blast in a glass it's time to go home"

I outted myself to the gorgeous Chantelle at FatMumSlim as once I asked Sass to make the blog pretty I went to her blog for rules and suggestions on how to fill the pages. I read her how to make a great About Me page and her pictures are so lovely. You suckers will only get pics from my iphone as that is all I ever have with me I'm sure you'll deal with it guys.

And tonight on twitter I told Twitchy, I sucked it up and sent her the link (hey girl! shhhh ok?) my reply to her post about her big gay mate from high school and her note back saying it was as honest as any blog post helped push me out there too.

Every little bit helps right? I'll get there xxpt


  1. Well done my shy friend! And a mention too- who could ask for more? Oh that's right, me. More More! Bravo. x Once again, your blog is stunning.

  2. Fantastic blog design...I wonder who did it? :P

    I believe you should have a trip to the Sunshine coast so we can have lots of wine and gossips.


  3. Twitch thank you so much xo

    Sass I would love to holiday up your way especially if there is wine and gossips involved! Thanks so much for making my blog so damn pretty xx
